I was wondering if anyone knows of any KaZaA clients for Linux. I like
KaZaA-Light on windows, but they only do windows.
Also, has anyone built sumi (formerly xtunes)? I found RPMs for
almost all dependencies not met by RH on freshrpms.net. But I'm still
missing CommonC++, libcdaudio, and libPropList. Looking at the
WindowMaker-libs package, it appears libProList is deprecated, and there
are porting instructions to the new stuff. Anyway, libProList (I'm too
lazy to bother trying to port sumi right now) and libcdaudio compile and
install just fine. I'm having trouble with CommonC++ though.
This actually leads into a third topic. :) Writing spec files. I've been
dabbling into this more and more lately. Is there a tool that will
generate at least a skeleton spec file from an
autoconf/automake/whateverisincludedinthisclumpoftools project? My main
problem is determining the file list. I think the rest of the stuff I
can lift from other spec files I've been hacking on.
Psyche-list mailing list
- Re: kazaa and xtunes/sumi Justin Georgeson