On Friday 15 November 2002 18:22, anthony baldwin wrote:
> Ha!
> I did a google search for Linux software for crossword puzzle creation.
> (Any ideas, please send them!)  At the top of the search results was this:
> Linux Software - Discover Microsoft Visual Studio .NET today.
> www.microsoft.com/vstudio      Click for a free online hosted session.

That's the actual "SEARCH" results or the "sponsored links"? Most likely it's 
a sponsored link. 

> I'm not lying; Try it for yourself.  Microshaft is buying links for linux
> software searches.  Who are they trying to kid?

Who cares? Most savvy people would ignore the sponsored links anyway (they are 
marked as such).

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz

Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
                -- motto of the Christopher Society

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