On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 16:49, Marko Asplund wrote:
> On 14 Nov 2002, Iain Buchanan wrote:
> > what was the order of make commands you used to make the kernel?  eg
> > (from the /usr/src/linux-<version> directory) you commands should look
> > something like this
> > ...
> i just tried it with v2.4.18. here're the make commands i used (didn't do
> mrproper because the tree was unpacked straight from the package):
> cd linux-2.4.18
> cp ../config-2.4.18 .config
> make xconfig
heres the first problem I see.  If you copy a config file fron configs/
and then run xconfig, it will overwrite it :)  You either need to
1. copy the config file (and don't run any make config command) but
continue with dep
2. don't copy the config file, but run 'make xconfig' and choose 'load
configuration from file' as your first operation, then choose a file
from configs/
3. copy a config from somewhere else (eg /boot/config<blah>) or an older
version of your own config file and then run 'make oldconfig'

This may have caused some problems if you thought some options should
have been selected, but were overwritten...

> the result with 2.4.18 is essentially the same as previously (2.4.19):
> ...
> eth1: OEM i82557/i82558 10/100 Ethernet, 00:30:48:24:7F:3A, IRQ 18.
>   Board assembly 000000-000, Physical connectors present: RJ45
>   Primary interface chip i82555 PHY #1.
>   General self-test: passed.
>   Serial sub-system self-test: passed.
>   Internal registers self-test: passed.
>   ROM checksum self-test: passed (0xb874c1d3).
> SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
> request_module[scsi_hostadapter]: Root fs not mounted
> LVM version 1.0.1-rc4(ish)(03/10/2001)
> NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for Net4.0
> IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
> IP: routing cache hash table of 16384 buckets, 128Kbytes
> TCP: Hash tables configured (established 262144 bind 65536)
> NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
> Kernel panic: I have no root and I want to scream
once you've tried the make again, see if you still get this problem. 
Short of posting your whole .config file, did you compile in scsi or
compile the module?  (I think you said this in a previous post but I
forgot :)

> > The root=/dev/blah option you pass to the kernel is in
> > normal /dev/hda2 form.  It may be easier to label the volume as '/' and
> > then just say root=LABEL=/
> the reason i'm using the device name and not a label is to try to
> eliminate potential problems with ambigously defined labels.
That should only be a problem if you've created them ambiguously :)  The
redhat install I noticed will get around an already existing / or /boot
label by using /1 and /boot1 which I've done on one machine and
sucessfully triple booted win98, redhat 7.3 and redhat 8.0.  The two
redhats share swap but nothing else.

On a tangent, try entering 'e' when grub loads (I think its e for edit),
and then manually edit the commands.  Delete a few characters of, say, 
'kernel /vmlinuz-blah' until you're back to just 'kernel /vmlinuz' and
then push tab a couple of times.  If it doesn't autocomplete or at least
give you some options of autocompletion, then something more serious may
be wrong...

Hope you make more success,  I know this may not fix your problem, but
then we can try the next thing!
Iain Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Is your job running?  You'd better go catch it!

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