On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Stephen Craig wrote:

> sorry about the long lines last time.  Here is my 
> dhcpd.conf file and I am starting DHCPd using
> both:
> service dhcpd start
> and running
> dhcpd eth0
> subnet netmask {
>   range;
> }
> host Steve {
>         hardware ethernet 00:08:A1:1A:AC:10;
>         fixed-address;
>  }
> As said before the service version reports
> failure

One obvious thing that is missing is one of the following declarations 
from the top of the file:

#option domain-name "your.net|org|com";
#option domain-name-servers machine.your.net|org|com;
ddns-update-style interim;

IIRC from the manuals the last is preferred.  Try adding it in and seeing 
what happens.  Also you're missing any "max-lease-time" and 
"default-lease-time" within the host group.

Oisin Feeley

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