Ahh Hah

I discovered a problem with pan.

I discovered that there were more problems than just pan, my networking seemed slow overall. I diagnosed the problem to be latency caused by packet loss. I called my ISP and they discovered that my DSL connection was loosing packets. They quickly contacted the telephone company and had the problem resolved. Pan started to work fine without locking up my machine. Then yesterday Pan started to lockup my machine again. I used 'mtr -n news...' to trackdown the problem. There was no packet loss but there was higher than normal latencey at one of the hops on the way to news server. Later on the latency disapeared and Pan started working properly again.

It appears as though pan has some problem that may be causing it to deplete the machines resouces when it runs into a slow connection.

Has anyone else noticed this?
Are people with dialup able to use pan successfully?
Is there a way to increase the server timeout?

It could be possible that the server is resetting the connection if too many sockets are spawned, but pan should be able to work around reset connections should it not.


Guy Fraser wrote:

I started to use pan this morning and it keeps locking my machine up.

My machine has:

P4 1.5GHz
1GB Ram
240GB on 4 IDE drives
24/12/40 CD-RW
1.5Mbps ADSL with a static ip address {no dhcp}.

When the machine locks up the mouse nad keyboard are un-usable. I don't have a second machine to try and ssh to see what might be wrong remotely.

I have shut down all services except;
at,autofs,cron,iptables,kudzu,ntpd,rhnsd,sendmail and ssh.

The firewall only allows ntp,ssh and dns.

The machine runs fine and is completely "up2date".

The only "problem" I have run into is this stupid pan lockup.


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