On 7 Nov 2002, PHD wrote:

>Is there a simple way to activate the Render extension for the Intel MB
>with chipset I845. Some articles on the net go until recompiling the
>kernel, thing that makes me afraid on a production server.

The render extension has nothing at all whatsoever to do with the 
kernel.  It is an X server extension that is built into the X 
server by default and can not be disabled.  So if you're running 
XFree86, then your X server has RENDER built in.

Unfortunately, Intel i845 video is not supported in XFree86 
4.2.0, and won't be officially supported until 4.3.0 is released.

>Moreover, adding a video card does not cost a lot...just to know
>if this is worth patching the system...or spending some money.

You'd need to use a supported video card.  You can test the CVS 
XFree86 RPM's that I've got on people.redhat.com however if you 
want to beta test the i845 driver support.

Mike A. Harris          ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
OS Systems Engineer
XFree86 maintainer
Red Hat Inc.

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