At 09:37 AM 11/6/02 -0600, you wrote:
Alberto M. R. Davila wrote:Just to be sure we are on the same page (and not intending to insult you), there should be at least 2 files under the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts dir:Thanks Randy,Another problem is that my network card is not being recognized (SIS 930) .. I have to activate it everytime I boot the computer... could it be a problem with my 3COM card that is also present in the machine ?
Look under the directory :
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts and look for a file called ifcfg-ethX (where X is the number of the SIS930, probably either 0 or 1). There should be a line that says:
if not, edit/add it to the file.
I double checked and the "ONBOOT=yes" is there, anyway, I had to activate manually my network card today... any further suggestion ?
Thanks, Alberto
and the ONBOOT=yes is in both?
I only have one of them, the ifcfg-eth0 file and it has the ONBOOT=yes
Exactly how are you activating the SIS930 after a reboot? (with ifup, ifconfig.....anything else)
Actually it the SIS630 is from other computer, the one giving trouble is the 3COM. I activate the network card with the "network device control" utility under "system tools" of the KDE
Which interface is the SIS930? (eth0 or eth1)
The 3COM is eth0:1
You might try a: dmesg |grep eth
nothing appeared
and let us know the output. Also a cat of /etc/modules.conf may be helpful.
the /etc/modules.conf alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc alias eth0 3c59x alias usb-controller usb-ohci alias usb-controller1 ehci-hcd Thanks Alberto