The announcement is below, the public download is available from:

----- Original Message -----
From: Paula Dieli
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 8:58 AM
Subject: <mustang-linux-l> Beta 3 is ready for download

Beta testers,

The Beta 3 versions of the Linux Mozilla plugin and the Linux standalone
player are now available for download.  The new version number of the
players is 6,0,60,67.  I've included the download information in case you've
missplaced it.

Please send bugs and other feedback directly to us via the listserv:


This is our final beta version and so we're hoping you'll have time to take
a look at the players once again so that as we approach our final release
date, we can make sure to get in any additional fixes you will need.


The Macromedia Flash Player Team

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