Looks like these guys have done this.
http://www.digiampietro.com/as400/as400.html Perl rules again.  Just need to
get the field info from my friends, well an interpretation of what they sent
me.  And I should be good to go.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Hamm [mailto:paulhamm@;OpenRatings.com]
Sent: Wed, November 06, 2002 5:13 PM
Subject: RE: IBM packed decimal format conversion utilities

I noticed.  I did find about what you did.  I might just ask the crew that
sent this little gem to retry with something a bit less mainframe centric.

http://jymengant.ifrance.com/jymengant/jurassicFAQ.html Java seems to have a
PackedDecimal class available.  It also has EBCDIC classes.  See questions
Q5 and Q3

I have found a comercial product that claims to handle this
http://www.emaglink.com/prodMMUnix.htm.  It looks as though there is a
library that can work with this also libcci.a

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Wilts [mailto:ewilts@;ewilts.org]
Sent: Wed, November 06, 2002 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: IBM packed decimal format conversion utilities

On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 04:32:10PM -0500, Paul Hamm wrote:
> I am familiar with EBCDIC and ASCII conversion with dd.  Currently I need
> convert a mainframe tape in EBCDIC with packed decimal format into ASCII.
> dd does not handle packed decimal format.  Does anyone know of a utilitie
> that does? 

Doing some google searches is coming up with slim pickings...  There are
some commercial packages and services but not much for free stuff.

Look at uakebcpd at http://www.arsc.edu/~kcarlson/software/

Subroutines to help you write your own:

The general discusssions surrounding this suggest that you're better off
converting the data before the tape gets written, or writing a custom
tool after you get the data.  

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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