Hello All;

With the stock kernel under RH8 we had a Lacie external Firewire Drive
working flawlessly. We had the following entry in fstab to mount the

/dev/sdb2   /mnt/LaCie       ext3    noauto,owner,rw 0 0

With this entry, we could then right click on the desktop and (un)mount
the drive. Since we upgraded to a new kernel using up2date, this is no
longer possible. We get the error message that /dev/sdb2 is not a valid
block device.

When checking /proc/scsi/ the drive is not listed but the SBP-2 loads
and sees the drive. Can someone tell me what changed?

By the way, we also tested the packaged Rawhide Kernel and the same
thing occurs.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Bruce P. Morin

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