From: "Joe Klemmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > I'm sorry but you are far to stupid to be taken off the list. > Since you are a total idiot, it is your fate to be permanently subscribed > to the list. Especially since you did the most asinine thing of sending > this email multiple times to the list. It has been a long time since I > have run into someone so totally deserving of a complete thrashing. You > do not deserve to be aloud to log into the 'Net or even sit at a computer. ^^^^^ Hm, I know that you Aussies and Brits spell things oddly. But that one seems over the top. Or did he really reach you that badly that the pun escaped captivity?
> You are such a moron it is amazing to think that you are even able to > dress yourself. Please go away and stay away. --->>> -->>> Grinning, ducking and running FAST {O,o}