On Tuesday 05 November 2002 18:50, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
> On 5 Nov 2002, Dams wrote:
> > If fact, i was thinking about the pctel driver.. is it included in the
> > red hat linux kernel ? Should I fill a bugzilla entry for an RFE ?
> No, and it wouldn't do any good.  The linmodem drivers are closed
> source--Red Hat would never consider including them (as they would not
> include the NVIDIA binary-only drivers).  www.linmodems.org is the place
> to go for support for these annoying devices, but we who are stuck with
> them are at the mercy of the manufacturers for drivers.

If you have a conexant modem, this one might help you also: (Worked for me)


Øystein Olsen, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://folk.uio.no/oeysteio
Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, http://www.astro.uio.no
University of Oslo, Norway

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