Hello, I am having some problems with unicode (xft2 & fontconfig?) on psyche. This might be due to me not knowing enough to configure some things correctly. In that case I would appreciate suggestions.
1) Except for the iso-10646 fonts under /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/ the fonts included in psyche have a very small unicode character range. Most either are just iso-8859-1 fonts or contain essentialy only the iso-8859-1 characters. This goes for the freetype and the old X fonts. Are there no decent fonts containing at least ALL characters in the iso-8859 parts 1-5, 78-10, 13-15, ISO 6937, CEN MES-1 European Unicode Subset, Microsoft code pages, Windows Glyph List 4, KOI8-R, etc. (And no, the "free" MS TT fonts don't). The only fonts that display most of Markus Kuhn's test file 'UTF-8-demo.txt' halfway decently are some of the iso-10646 fonts in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/ I suspect these are the unicode extensions he himself made to the "-misc-fixed-*" fonts. 2) I am missing: 10x20 -Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--20-200-75-75-C-100-ISO10646-1 from the "-misc-fixed-*" collection 'fonts.alias' file. 'less fonts.alias |grep 10x20' gives the old iso-8859-1 10x20 alias: 10x20 -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1 It would have been nice to also have an alias for the iso10646 10x20. (of course I can make one myself) or to give the old 10x20 alias to the new iso10646 font and nothing for the old font. 3) In my search for decent fonts with a comprehensive unicode range I tried dropping arial.tty from OfficeXP into ~/.fonts This works OK with gnome-terminal but gives strange results with xterm. This might be due to xterms unicode support which automatically seems to enable wide spacings (and I can't find how to switch this off). And maybe the xterm unicode support only works decently with fixed fonts? When I start xterm with 'xterm -fa Arial -fs 14' I indeed get a terminal with a nice arial font but the space between the fonts is about 3-4 times the font width itself. It does not react to adding '-geometry 80x35' or something like that (or to any of the other parameters). The resulting window is broader than the screen. Does anybody know how to correct this. (I have'nt yet looked into recompiling xterm). 4) The arial.tty from OfficeXP indeed covers a larger range of unicode characters than anything else I have available under psyche but there are some problems: When doing 'less UTF-8-demo.txt' (or 'cat UTF-8-demo.txt') some symbols don't display, for example accented greek characters, math symbols, etc. However under vim some of them do display correctly when using direct entry of unicode with "CTRL-V u 'hexnumber'" Is this a restriction of the unicode possibilities of 'less' and 'cat'. Again do these tools only work properly with unicode fixed fonts? Is there any possibility of correcting this. If there isn't it means that there is no possibility of using a nice freetype font uniformly in psyche. 5) How can you enter unicode characters directly into a gnome-terminal or xterm? Any kind of key combination trick available? Alexander