Are you always a JERK or just PMS'd today?  I have read the release
notes and followed the instructions and it still wouldn't work. Why
don't you quit insulting people and grow up and be useful in society and
maybe you'll earn a little respect someday.


On Tue, 2002-11-05 at 02:33, Jesse Keating wrote:
> On 05 Nov 2002 00:16:33 -0500
> Brian Craft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> # 
> # Has anyone got Acrobat Reader to work in Red Hat 8 yet?  I'm getting
> # an error refering to unicode RH is using.
> You would think a person who has a 28 line signature ( a good portion of
> it being blank lines...) would be into reading.  The Release-Notes for
> 8.0 clearly go over the unicode issue, and touch on acroread
> specifically.  Perhaps next time you should read those notes, as they
> aren't just space fillers (like some peoples signatures...)
> -- 
> Jesse Keating
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Brian Craft

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