On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 23:07, Jack Bowling wrote:
> ** Reply to message from John Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 13 Nov
> 2002 21:55:38 -0700
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm having trouble connecting to my camera which uses the serial port.
> > It was working fine under RH7.1 with gphoto through /dev/ttyS0. The new
> > camera tool, gtkam, doesn't want to let me use the serial port. When I
> > go to Camera->Add Camera I can choose my camera from the list, but then
> > the Port selection box is grayed out. If I try to add the serial port
> > first by pushing the "enhanced" button and then using the Add option
> > next to the Port box and type in /dev/ttyS0, it complains that "Could
> > not find a driver for port /dev/ttyS0 (unknown port)"
> > 
> > Has anyone gotten a digital camera to work through a serial port with
> > this program? It seems to default to USB and doesn't want to change.
> > 
> > dmesg indicates that ttyS0 and ttyS1 are detected.
> I struggled with dl'ing pix from my digicam through the serial port until I
> bought a USB card reader. With the excellent USB subsystem in the latest
> kernels, this should be an option for you if you have USB on your PC. It just
> makes things so much easier.
> jb

What device did you get? Is this something I take my memory card out of
the camera and put it in the card reader? I do have USB and it's working
with my scanner OK. 

The gphoto web site has very little to say about serial port support.

John S. Weber

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