
I'm trying to customise vim and gvim for coding python 
(ie automatically indent when it sees certain python functions, and so
forth), looking at the src.rpm it, seems that vim has been build with
the python extensions, but fails to do indenting and such., hence my
need to customise the .vimrc file or what ever it is called.

I have created a $HOME/.vimrc and just put the following in:

autocmd BufRead *.py set smartindent \

(the above is only on two line in the .vimrc file)

I have tried copying it to $HOME/vim/.vimrc, $HOME/vimrc and $HOME/.vim,
but it still refuses to read the file (I'm assuming its not reading it
as the indenting isn't working).

I've looked on the official vim site and tried some example there, but
still the same result.

Any help would be grateful

Cheers in advance


p.s No I don't want to use Emacs either ;-) 

p.p.s and yes I have tried Emacs and the python mode works fine, I just
personally cannot get on with Emacs,as I have always used vim (not not
ever customised it at all)

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