I'm just installed Red Hat 8.0 on my server.
Problem: When using smp-kernel, server freeze on halt or reboot with message about "segmentation fault" and "no more processes in this runlevel" or something like this.
I have installed the newer kernel-smp-2.4.18-17.8.0.i686.rpm, but I have the same result.
Before it I used Red Hat 7.3.
And I have very similar problem (may be the same?) with 2.4.18-3 smp-kernel, but after installing kernel-smp-2.4.18-4.i686 all problems were solved. ("A few bugs, including one in ext3 that could cause a kernel panic
on SMP systems, are fixed in this kernel errata" // http://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2002-085.html)
I have SMP-system and using ext3 file system. :-)))
Hardware: Gygabyte GS-SR102 1U Rackmount Server Platform Solution  -
M/B GA-6ETXDR (ServerSet III LE (North Bridge:NB30LE, South Bridge:OSB4),
ATI Rage XL 8Mb, SCSI Adapter Controller LSI SYM53C1010-66 ULTRA 3 SCSI),
2xPIII 1000MHz Coppermine, 512 ECC SDRAM Samsung, SCSI Intel Raid Controller
SRCU31L + 2 SCSI HDD Quantum 18 GB in RAID 1 array (mirror). So internal LSI
adapter isn't used.
Software: RH 8.0 (All drivers for absolutely all hardware were automatically
found by Red Hat 8.0)

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