On Sun, 3 Nov 2002 20:12:43 +0100
hans schneidhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi,
> got a little bad problem with my printer : after a reboot I have
> forgot to switch on my local-connected printer and kudzu tells me that
> I didn't have a local printer anymore. But I h've NOT read it and was
> hitting the return-key a liitle too fast, so kudzu deleted my printer
> - it's really my own bad failure - but now I cannot get it reinstalled
> - the error I get is as follows :
> Printer: LOCAL@mozart
>  Queue: 1 printable job
>  Server: pid 1573 active
>  Unspooler: pid 1574 active
>  Status: waiting for subserver to exit at 20:05:45.329
>  Rank   Owner/ID                  Class Job Files                 Size
>  Time
> stalled(568sec) root@mozart+572     A   572 /usr/share/cups/data 14547
> 19:56:40
> error  root@mozart+371              A   371 ERROR: aborting operations
> have tried a "switch" with the Printer System Switcher but no success.
> can anyone give me some hints, what I can do now ?
> thanks one more time for helping
> bye hans

Either reboot with the printer turned on, or rerun kudzu at the
commandline as root with the printer turned on.

You can also run redhat-config-printer as root to add it back in.

You may have to delete the print job before it will continue (man lprm).

For similar reasons, I have kudzu turned off and run it manually when

Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap. You choose.

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