On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 12:02:21AM -0500, Don Knott wrote:
> Odd, I had to disable privoxy in order to view the page. Otherwise, it was
> blank.

It's actually caused by a php compression handling bug in versions
prior to 4.2.3. FAQ:

5.8. I get a completely blank page at one site. "View Source"  shows
only: <html><body></body></html>. Without Privoxy the page loads fine.

Chances are that the site suffers from a bug in PHP, which results in
empty pages being sent if the client explicitly requests an
uncompressed page, like Privoxy does. This bug has been fixed in PHP

To find out if this is in fact the source of the problem, try adding
the site to a -prevent-compression section in user.action:

   # Make exceptions for ill-behaved sites:                                     

If that works, you may also want to report the problem to the site's
webmasters, telling them to use zlib.output_compression instead of
ob_gzhandler in their PHP applications (workaround) or upgrade to PHP
4.2.3 or later (fix).

Hal Burgiss

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