On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Wade Hampton wrote:

>Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 10:11:30 -0500
>From: Wade Hampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>List-Id: Discussion of Red Hat Linux 8.0 (Psyche) <psyche-list.redhat.com>
>Subject: Re: key repeat stops on Psyche
>More info.....
>Keyboard repeat now works.
>1.  The laptop was suspended all weekend and did not get the
>      daylight savings time to standard time change (hence 1 hour ahead).
>      I believe I checked DST does apply when loading RH 8.
>2.  I synced my clock with time-a.nist.gov using rdate (can't ntp
>     due to firewall), then did /sbin/hwclock --systohc.
>3.  After this, my key repeat was broken (tested with mozilla and the
>     shell).
>4.  Now, several hours later, my keyboard repeat is restored and working
>     properly -- without restarting mozilla, a new xterm, restarting X, nor
>     suspending or doing anything with the laptop, just leaving it 
>Perhaps there is a time issue  when the clock is changed back 1 hour?

The X server does not expect the time to go backwards.  Whatever 
you run on your computer while X is running, do not ever allow 
the time to go backwards.  If time goes forwards, about the worst 
that will happen is the screensaver or DPMS will kick in.  If it 
goes backwards, deadlock can result.

Mike A. Harris          ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
OS Systems Engineer
XFree86 maintainer
Red Hat Inc.

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