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On Wednesday 30 October 2002 07:44 pm, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 12:27:11AM +0200, Markku Kolkka wrote:
> > Viestissä Keskiviikko 30. Lokakuuta 2002 23:28, Mark C kirjoitti:
> > > On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 21:24, Curtis Vaughan wrote:
> > > > Вопрос у меня такой.

> > > Is it only me or has this come out as a complete mess?
> >
> > It's you, I see the text as normal Cyrillic text in Kmail. (No, I
> > don't understand it but it _looks_ like Russian to me)
> I don't use kmail and it comes in as all ?? cahracters.

Kmail does display it properly. I'd guess your mailer isn't able to 
display the Cyrillic fonts for some reason?

Just for the record, the original post appears to have asked something 
along the lines of:

Question in me of such.
4 is simple install of RH8 with English and the Russian language. I can 
work in the Russian language more or less normally. If I switch KDE to 
Russian desktop, then allegedly it works. But I noted that OpenOffice 
writes something in the Russian language but evidently only or box or 
question marks (it forgot what now). But why thus? Also i have one 
russifitsirovannaya program. If I try it to treat under English desktop, 
then it is obtained together Russian letters voprositelnye signs. But if 
under Russian desktop, then box. Not as it is not obtained Russian 

Or so says www.worldlingo.com, at any rate.

- -- 
- -Michael

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