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On Wednesday 30 October 2002 07:57 pm, Tony Nugent wrote:
> On Wed Oct 30 2002 at 16:02, Charles Griffin wrote:
> > --- Tony Gloster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello All,
> > >
> > >  First let me state that I am fairly new to Linux. I recently
> > >  tried to install a game for my kids to play when they log on to
> > >  this box. The package installer is telling me that I need
> > >  libGLcore.so.1 . I was under the impression that when you chose
> > >  an "everything" install, everything gets installed. What do I
> > >  need to make sure I have in order to resolve this dependency.

> > This sounds like a 3d video driver issue.  What kind
> > of video card do you have and have you installed the
> > necessary drivers for it?
> If he has an "everything" install, then the library is there.
> Have a look in /etc/XF86Config and check the Modules section, you
> should have in there:
>       Load    GLcore
> If this is missing, then adding it (and restarting the X server)
> should do the trick.
> If not, then I'll be suprised (something else is misconfigured).

I don't think so. I seem to recall having this dependency on some rpms I 
built back when I was using the NVIDIA binary driver packages. It's 
likely that the packager of the application he is trying to install built 
the packages on a system using the nvidia drivers.

The library libGLcore.so.1 does not appear to be included in any Red hat 

Here is a rather silly waste of CPU cycles to determine where the file 
might exist in Red Hat's packages:

[mfratoni@paradox RPMS]$ pwd 
[mfratoni@paradox RPMS]$ rpm -qlp *.rpm | grep -i glcore

The results are the same in the 7.3 and 7.2 rpm directories as well.

The solution is probably to rebuild the game package from source.

- -- 
- -Michael

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