
Thanks for the bit on the EXTRAVERSION variable in the Makefile.  That
was causing me problems with some of the modules.  I figured out I had
to do a make menuconfig or one of the others and I was going to write
today to find out how I build modules without tacking 'custom' to the
end of the kernel name. 

I am looking to get a Visioneer USB scanner working.  The OneTouch
8600.  If I can do that, I am that much closer to getting rid of
Windows.  Just need to wean off Quicken and get my digital video editing
up and running.  However, scanning is next. 

The issue I am having with the SMP Athlon kernel is the with the drivers
for my printer.  The drivers do not work in SMP.  They claim it is the
kernel but it may be the code for the drivers.  I have also found
posting on Web about issues with USB and SMP kernels however, they seem
quite dated. 

Thanks again for your help. 

FYI is your are going to use PPTP in 8.0 edit the ppp_mppe.c file as

//#include <linux/malloc.h> 
#include <linux/slab.h> 

Otherwise, the build fails. 

Thanks again, 

On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 01:11, Tony Nugent wrote: 
> On Wed Oct 30 2002 at 00:20, Harold Helmich wrote:
> > I am having a hard time building a kernel.  Steps I have done:
> > 
> > o   Install kernel-source using 2.4.18-17.8.0
> > o   make mrproper
> > o   Copy config from boot or configs dir
> (I assume as /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-17.8.0/.config).
> > o   make dep
> > o   failure - error below
> > 
> > 
> > make[2]: *** No rule to make target
> > `/usr/src/linux-2.4.18-17.8.0/include/linux/autoconf.h', needed by
> > `/usr/src/linux-2.4.18-17.8.0/include/linux/modules/signal.ver'.  Stop.
> Hmm, that file (from the kernel-source rpm) exists on my box.
> > Am I missing a step or some other sources?  Should I not be using this
> > kernel?
> IIRC, you need to run "make config" or "make menuconfig" or "make
> xconfig", even if you don't make any changes to the actual
> configuration.  It creates a symlink in the include/ directory after
> it is run that will (should) prevent this problem.  (The symlink
> that is created depends on the build architecture that is involved).
> You should also edit the Makefile to change the EXTRAVERSION value.
> > Also, I have an ASUS A7M266-D motherboard with two Athalon MP
> > processors.  The SMP kernels seem flaky so I have been using the single
> > processor kernel - USB issues plus APIC seems to work.
> Weird, I know of two people with smp athlons, and the athlon smp kernels
> work well for them (or so they say).
> > I'd like to get PPTP installed and work on getting my scanner to work.
> > Both of which require some kernel mods.
> Huh?  Not pptp.  Well for me, the rpms (server and client) rebuilt,
> installed and worked right away no problem (on rh73, but rh80 should
> be no different)... what needs patching?
> (You don't mention what scanner you are trying to get going).
> > Any help is greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Harry
> Cheers
> Tony
> -- 
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