Well I seem to recall having a similar problem a year ago. Shortly
afterwords my graphics card burnt out. (the fan had stopped working and
I had not noticed).
One should open the box every few months and make sure all is OK...


On Sun, 2002-10-27 at 10:53, Tino Meinen wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-10-27 at 06:37, richard wrote:
> > yep happens to me as well. i can also be doing anything and it seems
> > just reboots. Why i have no idea and can happen at anytime and not
in any
> So it logs you out because the xserver restarts. That might indicate
> something with the video card. 
> What kind of video card do you have, and what settings do you have in
> xfree86-config. You could try out the vesa server and see if that
> a difference.
> Good luck
>   Tino Meinen
> -- 
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