What exactly does xpti.dat do, and does removing it have any
consequences. The file xpti.dat itself is not very informative.
I don't know what xpti.dat does, but if it's there, there should be a
I didn't remove it either, reasoning that if it is included in mozilla
it serves some purpose. But the Flash folks might also have some reason
why it would be advisable to remove it.
<mozilla-install-dir>/components/xpti.dat is autogenerated when mozilla is run
the first time, and recreated if it's missing at later times.

The problem is ownership. Look at the one from Red Hat.
It's owned by root, and only writable by root.
same for the whole components directory. So you need to

1) run mozilla as roo to recreate the file


2) run <mozilla-install-dir>/mozilla-rebuild-databases.pl
as root to recreate all the autogenerated files. It runs regxpcom
and regchrome for you.


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