--- Kevin Worthington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I searched for 'template' within /etc/htdig.conf and
> tried modifying the location to accurately point to
> those templates, yet I still get the same error.
> Before I upgrade this box to RH 8.0, I wanted to
> know how to fix this, since I'm still not quite
> ready to upgrade my production box from the 7.X
> series to 8.

I am not sure what your problem is, but if it consoles
you any, ht://dig does not work in 8.0 either. There
was a thread about this both a few days ago as well as
a few weeks ago. KDevelop uses ht://dig to index
documentation for the system, but a nasty bug causes
it to try to index devices and the proc directory too.
You might think about trying to grab the latest
version from the site where ht://dig is made and try
rolling your own RPM from it. That may help solve the

Kevin C. McConnell --RHCE-- <Red Hat Certified Engineer>

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