>>>>> "Randall" == Randall J Parr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Randall> I went through the same thing a few months ago and chose to
    Randall> use Guarddog.  www.simonzone.com/software/guarddog.

    Randall> The ony caveat is there is no user/developer list. The only
    Randall> place I've been able to get help is email the main author
    Randall> which either results in a very good answer or no response at
    Randall> all.

>From the Guarddog web site:

29 October, 2002 - A mailing list for Guarddog users is now
available. People wanting help with using Guarddog are invited to use this
list instead of emailing me directly. - SBE

        Ron Olsen

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