----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 7:40 AM
Subject: Grub/Kernel Question

> I have recompiled my kernel several times by using the steps:

> After that completes I also run a mkinitrd command to create the image
> When it all said I done I can go into my /boot directory and I see the new
> vmlinux file, image file, and system map files.  I do not have a new
> file of a new config file.
> So how do I create those files or from whence do the come?  Needless to
say my
> boot under the new kernel fails so I have revert back to the old kernel.

I don't believe you get the modules file or the config file that you
normally see on a Red Hat installed kernel, when you compile them from
source.  I believe that is what Red Hat includes with their kernel RPM if
you install it that way.

As far as your new kernel failing, you should check your grub.conf file to
make sure it has the proper entry.  I don't know if compiling the new kernel
from source (the make install command I guess), includes editing and
changing the grub.conf file.  You may need to do it by hand.


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