Warren Togami wrote:
> I can't reproduce this report.  Is this a known bug?  Any workaround?
> http://www.amdforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=166948
> "After feeling that redhat 8.0 was good to go I have run into a problem.
> The menubar/panel in gnome keeps crashing. Thought it was a fluke and
> reinstalled the OS fresh with the hopes it would go away. No dice, it
> comes back. The first time this happened was when I tried to change the
> mouse pointer to a larger size. After installing the OS from scratch it
> happened when trying to run up2date. Something wrong with my setup??
> Wasted way too much time today trying to fix it. Any help would be
> appreciated. This only affects the menu bar/panel and the rest of the OS
> seems fine. I just can't use the menu bar/panel and an annoying error
> message stays on the screen."

Did you change the toolbar to vertical instead of horizontal?  There is
a known bug that causes such setups to crash:



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