On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, David A. De Graaf wrote:

> The mis-behaviour of BS and DEL is one of my pet peeves with the
> default setup of RH Linux.  Each time I install I go thru an 
> elaborate editing session to "fix" it.
> Here are the notes I wrote to myself:
> By default Linux uses the Backspace and Delete keys in a way that seems
> unnatural and wrong to me.  I strongly prefer the UNIX SysV method where
> Backspace emits <^H> and Delete emits <^?>, and the stty functions,
> 'erase' and 'quit' are associated with them.  That allows the Delete
> key to stop a running process, instead of <^C>.  - easier to type.
> The Backspace key works as expected everywhere - on the command line,
> in various programs that require text entry, and in vi.

And here I thought I was the only one who felt this way!! :-)
Wish I really understood how all of those keycodes work. Has
anyone ever found good documentation for the keytable stuff?

> I also want to use vi-style editing on the command line.
> To fix the Backspace key and Delete key:
> ************
> /etc/rc.d/rc.local - append these lines to change BS & DEL
> #  Fix Backspace and Delete keys
> echo "rc.local: Restoring SysV functions to Backspace and Delete keys"
> echo "keycode 14=BackSpace" | loadkeys
> echo "keycode 111=Delete" | loadkeys

Instead of using rc.local why not use the loadkeys program to 
initalize the keyboard at boot time? Something like the following works for me.
Change KEYTABLE="us-local" in /etc/sysconfig/keyboard
#cp /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/us.map.gz \
# gunzip /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/us-local.gz
# vi /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/us-local.gz
and add the following at the bottom of the file:
include "unix-console-delete-and-backspace"
# gzip /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/us-local.gz

Create a file 
# /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/include/unix-console-delete-and-backspace.inc
which contains the mappings for the del and backspace keys.
# gzip /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/include/unix-console-delete-and-backspace.inc

IMHO this is a much cleaner solution and it survives upgrades very well.

.............Tom        "Nothing would please me more than being able to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     hire ten programmers and deluge the hobby market 
                        with good software." -- Bill Gates 1976

                        We are still waiting ....

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