On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Petr Soucek wrote:

>> >> I can think of a lot of reasons why the i386 kernel was not there -
>> >> but maybe one would be that general RedHat support for older hardware
>> >> is not as good as MS (RedHat seems to sometimes drop support for old
>> >> hardware that was supported in the previous release)
>> >
>> >The principal point of the i386 kernel is that it will run on anything. Apparently
>> >that's not so wrt the i586 kernel, even where "compatible" CPUs are used.
>> The i586 kernel will run on anything that we claim to support.  
>> If a CPU is truely compatible, it should work. If it does not,
>> then it is very much a bug in the kernel, and should be reported
>> in bugzilla.
>Cyrix 6x86 is marked as "compatible" in HCL fo RHL 8.0:

To the best of my knowledge, Cyrix 6x86 processors are 
still officially supported, and should work with our kernels.

That being said, I'll defer to Arjan or one of the other kernel 
guys for an official statement of support.

Also note, that while the HCL list is updated fairly often, it is
not always completely accurate.  A few messages back for example, 
someone posted that the HCL says that i386 and i486 processors 
were supported in Red Hat Linux 7.x.  The Red Hat Linux 7.x box 
itself states that a Pentium 166 or higher is required for 7.1 
IIRC, and that a Pentium 200 or higher is required for all 
releases since.  Proof that the HCL list isn't completely 

Nonetheless, I do believe it is accurate in this case, unless 
someone else here can clarify our support of Cyrix further.

Mike A. Harris          ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
OS Systems Engineer
XFree86 maintainer
Red Hat Inc.

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