On Sun, 20 Oct 2002, Michael Fratoni wrote:

>> >The i386 kernel is not there for space reasons (it's pretty hard to
>> >justify 10Mb cd space for an 80386 kernel when that means 10Mb of
>> > other packages need to be removed from the distro, and that for
>> > machines that are below the minimum requirements for a few releases
>> > already) Anyway for the erratum I turned on the i386 build again
>> > since there's no space issue there....
>> I just hope nobody uses the i386 kernel, and expects DRI to work.
>Hey! That was the argument I used for the 7.3 release while arguing to 
>_include_ an i586 kernel package. ;) 
>Users with i586 machines were forced to use the i386 kernel, only to find 
>out that DRI wasn't included.

Yes, this drove me absolutely nuts.  ;o)  I made absolutely sure 
this time to nag the right people to ensure that all supported 
machines got DRI supported kernel to use, and that the installer 
installed the proper kernel (at least I hope).  In 7.3, the i586 
kernel disappeared and I didn't notice.  Also, anaconda didn't 
install the i586SMP kernel on i586UP systems, as that would have 
been a bit weird to some people, and nobody realized in time that 
some machines would get stuck using an i386 kernel with no DRI.

Just a glitch that managed to fall though the cracks in 7.3, but 
it was fixed in kernel erratum at least, so that was good.

It has been one nasty problem that I keep getting bit by in 
bugzilla though.  ;o)

Mike A. Harris          ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
OS Systems Engineer
XFree86 maintainer
Red Hat Inc.

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