On 19 Oct 2002 08:59:05 -0600, you wrote:

>Anyone have any luck building and/or installing Evolution 1.2 beta from
>Ximian? I've started playing around with the RH7.3 source RPMs, but have
>not successfully built them. Looks like quite a few dependency issues.
>If anyone has this running, please do tell us how you did it.

The following was posted to the gnome-redhat-list a couple of days

*I've put up packages for Red Hat Linux 8.0 of evolution 1.1.2 (aka
*of evolution 1.2) up at http://people.redhat.com/~katzj/evolution/.
*the moment, these don't include pilot support, but I'll get to that
*the next beta.
*It's been working find for me on my home machine for a couple of
*but standard disclaimer about them being beta packages applies.  Bugs
*about the packaging should be filed at
* http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/ against Rawhide.  Functionality
*bugs should be filed upstream at http://bugzilla.ximian.com

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