On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 03:05, Scott Bower wrote:
> All,
>     Please Help....
> I've done as much as I can with this RH8.0 SOE but I have several 
> problems I'm hoping to sort out relatively quickly, I'll tackle them a 
> few at a time.
> Firstly, would anyone know how to create an image from an existing user 
> profile to be used as a start point automagically everytime a new user 
> logs on?  The user's desktop has a standard background along with 
> several panel drawers containing a myriad of SOE Specific launchers on 
> them, This is used in conjunction with a Solaris server/workstation 
> environment where any of about fifty people could log onto this system 
> at any time. Due to the Department we're in, these people rotate in and 
> out of the section every few months making some sort of installer script 
> a little too awkward and possibly out of the question.
> Secondly, a part of this image requires mounting Windows Domain shares 
> which are mounted from any number of  servers (usually arond five to 
> eight of the twenty or so servers) from any number of domains (somewhere 
> in the hundreds) which is done via Perl and GTK , on attempting to 
> umount, RedHat refuses to let go (something to do with the .trash 
> folder) leaving the system with someone elses data mappings accessible 
> to the next user... I asked about this before and someone wisely 
> retorted "Oh, Just type in the required mounts in this Config file and 
> then you can even mount them with a right click from the Desktop!" How 
> on earth can I get around this without manually typing out tens of 
> thousands of these possible combinations to some file somewhere? 
> Background: This system authenticates via a Solaris (NIS) server and 
> unfortunately the Windows Net shares require a different 
> username/password combo, this is an issue beyond our control.
> Thanks in advance,

In future, please wrap your mail to 74 characters.

Your first question:
Look at /etc/skel/
This directory is copied to the home directory for any new user on 
the system. Ensure it's contents are what you want you users to get,
possible by copying an existing user's directory to /etc/skel/

Your second question:
.bashrc for mount
.bash_logout for unmount.
use appropriate dmask and fmask parameters to guarantee privacy.
Use whoami or something to specify variable parameters depending
on the logged in user.
You'll also need to make sure that a user opening another
shell doesn't try and mount shares already mounted.

Hope this helps.


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