On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Wolfgang Gill wrote:

> Hi All,
> Has anyone come across a GUI window capture utility for Linux??? (To quote
> 'cough' Windblows, When you have an open and highlighted window. One can
> press 'ALT_PRT-SCR' to copy that entire window to a clipboard. Then paste it
> in an Editor (With graphics capabilities) or Word processor etc..)
> This would be handy for emailing GUI error screens and stuff. And/or to
> create help screens and the like..
AFAIK most of the graphics programs like The Gimp, Eye of Gnome, 
ImageMagick can do this.  I find the easiest way it to use "import" which 
allows you to capture the entire screen or specific parts of it.  "import" 
allows you to select with the mouse, or select by X-window name or by 
X-window co-ordinates.  Very versatile.

man import 

Oisin Feeley

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