On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 15:49, Rob Thorne wrote:
> I've been using an Orinoco Silver card with RH 7.2/Intel without much 
> trouble, and have just upgraded to 8.0.   The right drivers (orinoco_cs, 
> orinoco, hermes, etc.) are getting loaded at start up, and the card is 
> getting power.   But WEP encryption is not getting correctly set up, 
> which causes the card to fail to connect with my AP.
> I'm assuming that the "supported" RedHat technique for configuring the 
> card is to use "neat", which puts its settings into 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 for my card.  Here's what's in it:
>     KEY=s:MyKey
> Note that it picked up just about everything, except the encryption info.
> I've looked in the ifup-wireless script, and it looks like the script 
> *should* pick up the KEY parameter and enable WEP.  But it doesn't, and 
> there are no errors in /var/log/messages to indicate why this might be so.
> I could rip out the standard RedHat scripts and put in my own (since I 
> can get it working if I hit it with a 2x4 and keep wacking), but I'm 
> assuming that WEP encryption is supported in the standard scripts 
> without compiling a kernel or installing a locally built copy of pcmcia-cs.
> Anyone have any ideas how the RedHat config UI wants to get its 
> parameters, and if this is documented anywhere at all?

I also am using the Orinoco silver with WEP and no problems.  My KEY
parameter in ifcfg-eth1 looks like this:

KEY='5555-5555-55 [4]'

Notice I am using a hex key, not a string key which would start with s:,
and also I specify which key at the end, in this case, key 4.  The
Orinoco supports keys 1-4.

Best Regards,
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