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On 13 Oct 2002 07:27:38 +0500, Nuno Almeida Gil wrote:
/>>/ What's the command?
First, here's the part you replied to (adjusting quotes - reading
from bottom to top sucks!):

/ On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 00:43, Tammy Fox wrote:
/>>/ > If you try to run the command redhat-config-date from a shell
/>>/ > prompt, does it give you any error messages?
/>>/ > /
Open a terminal/console, e.g. gnome terminal or xterm and run:

 $ redhat-config-date

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I upgraded to 8.0 from 7.3 this weekend and also have the same problem.

I get the following when I run datconfig from the command line:

# dateconfig
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/share/redhat-config-date/redhat-config-date.py", line 35, in ?
 File "/usr/share/redhat-config-date/mainWindow.py", line 176, in __init__
   self.datePage = date_gui.datePage(self.dateBackend)
 File "/usr/share/redhat-config-date/date_gui.py", line 154, in __init__
   ntpServer = mainWindow.dateBackend.getNtpServer()
 File "/usr/share/redhat-config-date/dateBackend.py", line 184, in getNtpServer
   self.ntpServer = tokens[1]
IndexError: list index out of range

any ideas?

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