Chris Kloiber wrote:
IANAL, nor do I play one on the net. However...

The "Powered by Red Hat" logo has the copyright intact, and I believe
there's something in the docs we include that specifically allows the
use of that logo on any webserver which is running on Red Hat Linux. So
the use of that logo would be allowed in that context.

Removing the copyright symbol in an attempt to get it professionally
mass produced is another matter. Besides, I've seen kits on case modding
websites to make your own case badges with professional looking results
from just about any 1" x 1" logo. That could easily work wonders with
one of the box-set stickers, and nobody needs to "feed the lawyers".

Well, now, this is important. Chris, are you telling me - in your admittedly unprofessional opinion - that leaving the (C) on the image would have made the whole affair legit? I only took off the symbol - not to slip it under the company's radar who produced it - but to make it look neater. That was the *only* reason.

I only had 10 made because that was the minimum order. Does that qualify as "mass produced?"

To take another tack with this thread, everyone I've shown these things to has drooled over them. I think you guys could make some money selling them like you do shirts and such...

David "Dunkirk" Krider
Acts 17:28, "For in Him we live, and move, and have our being."

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