Pico is actually a part of the Pine mail client, and there is no seperate Pico 
package...  although someone on the valhalla list said that Nano is a very good clone 
of pico and it is alot smaller in size...


-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Konstam [mailto:akonstam@;Trinity.Edu]
Sent: October 14, 2002 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: Where is my terminal text editor?

On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 01:56:16PM +1000, John BouAntoun wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Installed RH8.0 on weakend. 
> Very slick, very impressive.
> I noticed that it defaulted to startup to GDM. I din't mind this because I always 
>type startx when I log in anyway. But one thing I did notice was that I couldn't find 
>a terminal editor anywhere
> no pico, joe, jedit or anything. Just Emacs.
joe is on CD #2
Aaron Konstam
Computer Science
Trinity University
715 Stadium Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

telephone: (210)-999-7484

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