I'm not sure why rhn-applet-tui doesn't accept your preferences.
You should file a bug about that. I'll mention it to the maintainer
as well. 

What about using up2date -l? It doesn't install anything, uses
the up2date preferences set with up2date-config, and prints a similar

[tfox@goofy tfox]$ up2date -l

Fetching package list for channel: redhat-linux-i386-8.0...

Fetching Obsoletes list for channel: redhat-linux-i386-8.0...

Fetching rpm headers...
Name                                    Version        Rel
fetchmail                               5.9.0          21

On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 03:23:29PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Thanks for the quick reply.
> It appears that rhn-applet-tui does not use the .rhn-applet.conf 
> "IgnorePackages" line.  Here is what I did for a test on a RH 8.0 system:
> 1. Replaced gnuplot with gnuplot-3.7.1-17 from RH 7.3
> 2. Started Xwindows
> 3. Looked at the window from rhn-applet-gui.  It stated there was a newer 
> version of gnuplot, as it should.
> 4. I instructed rhn-applet-gui to ignore gnuplot. 
> 5. Tested rhn-applet-gui again -- it showed no packages needed updating
> 6. Exited out of Xwindows
> 7. Looked at ~/.rhn-applet.conf
>    Here is the relevant line:
> IgnoredPackages=gnuplot
> 8. ran rhn-applet-tui
>    Here are the results:
> $ rhn-applet-tui 
> could not figure out kernel
> The following is a list of outdated packages on your system:
> Name                                     Version         Release             
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> gnuplot                                  3.7.2           1                   
> (The kernel message is expected because I am running 2.4.19)
> 9.  Help ... rhn-applet-tui doesn't seem to ignore packages that it should.
> I am not using up2date because this sysem will become a configuration 
> controlled computer and several tests will need to be run and checked both 
> before and after any updates are applied. (I guess if rhn-applet-tui won't 
> work, I could use up2date with --dry-run or --nodownload, but rhn-applet-tui 
> is just what I need.)
> Richard
> ============
> rhn-applet-tui and rhn-applet-gui use the .rhn-applet.conf file in
> your home directory to know which pkgs to ignore. (different
> preferences per user)
> Why don't you use up2date -u to update your system? Then
> you can use up2date-config to configure all the options,
> including which pkgs to ignore.
> Cheers,
> Tammy
> On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 09:24:39AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > For a system that usually does not run XWindows, I would like to use 
> > rhn-applet-tui to see if there are any updates available on the RH 8.0 system. 
> >  rhn-applet-tui seems to work well from cron.  I have one question:
> > 
> > How to I tell rhn-applet-tui to ignore certain rpm packages?  (This can easily 
> > be done using rhn-applet-gui but I am not running XWindows.  Can I somehow get 
> > rhn-applet-tui to use the rhn-applet-gui exclude list?)
> > 
> > Richard
> > 
> > 
> -- 
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