Duncan Rubinger wrote:

I try to mount a NTFS Partition from my Windows XP System under RH8.
Here is my fstab entry:

[root@devil /]# more /etc/fstab

/dev/hda1               /WXP               auto    users,ro        0 0

The partition will be mounted without any problems as user, BUT after
it, the permissions will be set to:

dr-x------    1 root     root         8192 Okt 12 10:58 WXP

And this is not my intention. Now I can't open the WXP dir as user, only
as root anymore. After umount, the folder has it's old permissions as

dr-xr-xr-x    1 root     root         8192 Okt 12 10:58 WXP

I looked into the mount man page but I didn't found anything helpful ...

Cheers, Duncan
Near the bottom of the mount man page, you will find a section called
Mount options for ntfs

The fifth item is uid=value, gid=value and umask=value. Read up on this. Your options section in fstab should have something like this:



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