On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 01:01, Mikkel Riis wrote:
> lør, 2002-10-12 kl. 23:34 skrev Mikkel Riis:
> > Hello to the list,
> >
> > I,m new around here and decided to follow the list for a while.
> >
> > I got a very basic question. I just encoded some .wav files to 128 bit
> > Oggs. However I unable to load them into Xmms. I checked and the plugin
> > for ourputting Oggs appears to be installed. WHen I doubleclick the Ogg
> > file or load it through Xmms, nothing happens, it doesn't even show in
> > the dispay or the playlist. Mp3's work fine.
> Hi,
> I located the prob.
> Now I feel like a moron :o(
> Everything is working fine, I had merely used the wrong encoding engine,
> meaning doing the encoding with Lame, but outputting files with the
> extension .ogg. my bad. Shouldn't be playing with this late at night.
> Thanks for the answers and time. I'll go sit in the corner now.
> Cheers
> /Mikkel
Don't feel so bad. I did the same thing! Grip want's Lame as it's
default encoder.