Ok, the "linux mediacheck" option on the 1st RH 8.0 install disc is an
option that validates all your installation discs.

If you boot the 1st RH 8.0 installation disc, and at the boot: prompt select
"linux mediacheck", then the installer will allow you to fully test your
burnt discs.  If you downloaded the .ISO discs from the web, they may
checkout just fine for MD5 sums, but the very process of burning a disc may
introduce new errors.  The purpose of mediacheck is to ensure that all three
installation discs have been burnt correctly BEFORE you start the

If you want to check your RH 8.0 media, you can use ANY computer that
supports bootable cdrom.  Just enter "linux mediacheck" at the boot: prompt.
After validating all three discs, you actually don't have to continue to
install RH 8.0 - just reboot if you want after checking the media.

Hope that helps,

> BitBasher,
> In response to your mail of Monday, October 14, 2002 5:56:20 AM:
> B> If you can actually boot the new RH 8.0 cd to the first text-based
> B> menu, start up linux with:
> B> linux mediacheck
> B> (or it might be linux checkmedia)
> Yeah maybe the latter. I didn't manage this, but the installer offers
> what I suspect is the same functionality near the beginning...
> Incidentally, what does the "check media" step do at the start of the
> installation process? I'm guessing it checks the MD5 too.
> --
> Best regards,
> James.

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