I have not had a problem print OpenOffice (writer anyway) docs.  I use
lpr with a netgear printserver to HP5 and HP2000c printers.  I did have
to experiment with the driver on the HP2000c.  That may be the issue.


On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 17:54, Keith Winston wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 17:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > For the life of me I just can't print a simple doc that just sez hello 
> > world. If I try to print it, my postscript printer just chugs for a while 
> > and no paper comes out. If I try to view the output postscript with gv or 
> > ghostscript I get a ghostscript interpreter error. Does anyopne have a 
> > clue what's going on?
> I haven't had any problems printing from openoffice.  I am using CUPS
> and my printer is a Lexmark E322 laser (native postscript).
> Are you using lpd or CUPS?
> Best Regards,
> Keith
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