On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 15:01, Michał Chojnicki wrote:
> Does anyone tried to install it directly from packed ISO located in ext2 
> partition?

I was successful with this install method.  I had the RH8.0 ISO images
on /dev/hda4 (my /home).  You need to make a boot disk using dd and the
image file on the first CD (boot.img).  The partition can be ext2, ext3,
fat, or any other filesystem that the installation kernel recognizes

Alternately, if you have a copy of the disc 1 CD you can enter this line
at the first RH Installation screen:

linux askmethod

(This is what I did, since I had burned my CD's and realized my CD drive
no longer works well enough to trust for an install.)

Note that you cannot tell the installer where to mount the partition
containing your images.  You must add this to /etc/fstab after
installation (AFAIK).


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