In the past I've had problems with Red Hat Linux on Compaq DL380 servers. For example, RH 7.1 installed fine, and continued to work fine until kernel 2.4.9-21 or thereabouts came along. When that kernel upgrade was installed, the system refused to boot, complaining that there was no init. After quite a few attempts at building a custom kernel, it appeared that the cpqarray driver that Compaq's hardware uses is quite picky. Among others, it must be compiled as a module, and a number of the other SCSI-related stuff in the kernel needs to be compiled static, otherwise the kernel won't boot using the cpqarray driver.
It was the same with Red Hat 7.2 and 7.3, where the kernel included in the distribution worked, but later kernel upgrades didn't. Actually, the problem was especially bad with 7.3, where even the first kernel upgrade failed to using cpqarray. Now, before I attempt an upgrade of the Compaq servers I have in production, has anybody actually tried RH8 on Compaq DL380? I assume that Red Hat hasn't, given all the issues I've had. /Robert