On Sat, 12 Oct 2002, webmaster wrote:

> Whats with the network card turning off?
> Here is what happens, I log out of "X", exit 
> the user back to a log on prompt, after a 
> while, I notice my hub link is going the NIC.
> I move the mouse or keyboard, and the NIC will 
> come back online.  Do I have to have a user
> logged in all the time to keep the NIC online?
> Or, is there a config somewhere to keep a 
> perm connection?

My guess would be you have some kind of power managment kicking in.
Moving the mouse wakes it up. I do not see this behaviour with
any of my Red Hat boxes.


.............Tom        "Nothing would please me more than being able to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     hire ten programmers and deluge the hobby market 
                        with good software." -- Bill Gates 1976

                        We are still waiting ....

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