On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 20:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I seem to have general problems with 8.0 at compiling a kernel. I had 
> problems with my own personal .config file, buit then I tried things out 
> on other 8.0 machines and I'm still having problems. Here's a specific 
> example

I did not get that error, but I find that if I did not run make mrproper
before doing make dep modules bzImage, the resulting kernel image looks
for its libraries using the version name of the currently running

And binary emulation has to be turned off - it depends on a kernel
header file (can't remember which now) that ships with kernel 2.4.20pre
(I checked) and 2.5.40 but bizarrely not RH's kernel-source RPM. Might
be a packaging omission.


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Michèl Alexandre Salim
Web:            http://salimma.freeshell.org
GPG/PGP key:    http://salimma.freeshell.org/files/crypto/publickey.asc

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