On Friday 11 October 2002 18:16, Tim Waugh wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 01:44:44PM -0400, Viktor Hornak wrote:
> > it did help! It's amazing - could you explain why replacing the name of
> > that font helps?
> I had a tip-off that it might.  There are two problems:
> o There is a mozilla bug, apparently fixed in CVS, concerning the name
>   of this font (it should be a dash not an underscore)
> o When the printer complains about this, the jetdirectprint program
>   doesn't handle it gracefully
> Can you try printing with 'lpr -Phost%9100' (where 'host' is the
> hostname or IP address of the printer) and see if that helps any?

This problem has been really bothering me ever since 7.3.  When I read the 
messages on this thread, I found the problem in the source code, made a patch 
and rebuilt the rpms (boy, that is almost like rebuilding XFree86!).

It works!  With Helvetica_Oblique changed to Helvetica-Oblique both mozilla 
and galeon print correctly to my HP4000 level 2 postscript printer.  Bugzilla 
75188 covers this problem and I have attached the patch to it.

For those who need this fixed much sooner rather than later and don't mind 
taking a chance, there is another way describer below.  This worked for me 
but could do something really bad for you.

The bad text is in /usr/lib/mozilla-1.0.1/components/libgfxps.so

Use khexedit on the file.  Search for Helvetica_Oblique.  Use the mouse to 
select the "_" character and change it to "-".  Save it.

I do hope that this get fixed sooner rather than later (errata-wise that is).


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