>Unfortunately, even Mandrake's starting to slack off a bit in the "customer 
>relations' department. Yeah, I see where you're coming from believe me, 8.0 
>is NOT all it's cracked up to be, hell, half the stuff that's supposed to go 
>into menus doesn't any more, so I have to search where it was supposed to go, 
>TRY to add it there manually, or, like in the case of liquid, just use the 
>command that is supposed to be getting me there.
>Unfortunately, try telling that to the people who 'think' they know what 
>everyone's thinking, but could care less about anything but your $$$.. Talk 
>about complete Micro$oft here, that's exactly where it's headed.

Well I'm not sure we can fault Redhat, or the other distro companies, overly much.  
They are, afterall, businesses that need to make money in order to stay in business.  
It takes money and people to keep the distros fresh and relevent, and Redhat is 
arguably the distro that has forwarded the Linux cause the most.

However, I do not like what Redhat has done regarding the theme and the 
transmogrification of Gnome/KDE.  I mean, come on... you boot into KDE and all the KDE 
apps are on the EXTRAS menu layer?????  

Regarding Mandrake, there are a very vocal and sizable group of my fellow area Unix 
group that swear by it.  I didn't like 8.2 myself, but I understand 9.0 is quite a bit 
better.  I'll certainly watch it with interest.

Anyway, that's my .02

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